What is "HARIETT"? Is it named after someone?

The HARIETT Program is not named after anyone, it is an acronym. The Hotel And Restaurant Industry Employment & Training Trust Fund ("H.A.R.I.E.T.T. Fund") was established on February 4, 1965 for the specific purpose of providing new and existing UNITE HERE! Local 5 members, who are attached to contributing signatory employers, the ability to acquire and retain the skills necessary to either gain employment or advance their careers within Hawaii's Hotel and Restaurant Industry. Under the HARIETT program, members are entitled to the following benefits and services: career planning, education, training, and retraining in classifications represented by the UNITE HERE! Local 5 and covered by the Fund's Summary Plan Description, as well as the establishment of an employee referral service, and other benefits incidental thereto.

Who is responsible for HARIETT?

The HARIETT Program is not named after anyone, it is an acronym. The Hotel And Restaurant Industry Employment & Training Trust Fund ("H.A.R.I.E.T.T. Fund") was established on February 4, 1965 for the specific purpose of providing new and existing UNITE HERE! Local 5 members, who are attached to contributing signatory employers, the ability to acquire and retain the skills necessary to either gain employment or advance their careers within Hawaii's Hotel and Restaurant Industry. Under the HARIETT program, members are entitled to the following benefits and services: career planning, education, training, and retraining in classifications represented by the UNITE HERE! Local 5 and covered by the Fund's Summary Plan Description, as well as the establishment of an employee referral service, and other benefits incidental thereto.

What does it cost to participate in HARIETT programs?

All programs under HARIETT are provided at no cost to the employee. Financial assistance is also available to employees to cover the cost of necessary books, equipment, tools, licensing, etc.

Who is eligible to participate in HARIETT programs?

Participation is open to anyone who is a member of UNITE HERE! Local 5 and is currently employed or laid-off (including partially) by one of the signatory employers that contribute to HARIETT. This includes employees who are considered non-members and Financial Core Members ("Beck"). Members who are enrolled in the Layoff Aversion & Transition program must ensure they are current with their UNITE HERE! Local 5 dues.

How can I apply for a HARIETT program?

Employees may either apply in person, on the phone, by e-mail, or right here on the HARIETT website—here's how. Paper applications can be found at UNITE HERE! Local 5 offices, at the HARIETT office, or through your employer's Human Resources office. Employees are also encouraged to contact Mr. James P. Hardway, HARIETT's Executive Director, directly at (808) 672-2004, or by e-mail at jhardway@hariett.com, with any questions.

Can an employee be disqualified from participating?

Yes. Circumstances which may lead to disqualification from HARIETT include:
  • Drunkenness
  • Use of narcotics
  • Behavior creating a danger to other participants or the instructor
  • Theft
  • Vandalism, maiming, or defacing property
  • Excessive absences (number of absences allowed may vary by program or course)
  • Violation of rules and regulations established by the HARIETT trustees
  • No-shows, not showing up for registered classes

How do I make an appeal if I'm denied admission/participation?

If you are denied admission to an apprenticeship, education or training program, or if you are admitted but subsequently disqualified from the program, or if any other claim to benefits is denied in whole or in part by the Board of Trustees or the Executive Director, you will be provided with a written Notice of Denial explaining the reasons for the denial. You may, if you wish, appeal the denial by filing an Application for Review with the Joint Board of Trustees. The Application should be filed within 60 days after receipt of the Notice of Denial. Upon receipt of the Application for Review, the Board of Trustees will review the case. Their decision shall be made within 60 days after receipt of the Application, unless special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the Application, in which case, the decision shall be rendered as soon as possible, but not later than 120 days after receipt of the Application. It will be up to the Board of Trustees to decide whether or not a hearing will be useful. If a hearing is held, applicants will receive at least two (2) weeks notice of the time and place of the hearing (unless the applicant agrees in writing to a shorter notice). Applicants, or their authorized representative, may appear at the hearing. The decision of the Board of Trustees on the Application is final.

What is a HARIETT "member"? Am I one?

If you are denied admission to an apprenticeship, education or training program, or if you are admitted but subsequently disqualified from the program, or if any other claim to benefits is denied in whole or in part by the Board of Trustees or the Executive Director, you will be provided with a written Notice of Denial explaining the reasons for the denial. You may, if you wish, appeal the denial by filing an Application for Review with the Joint Board of Trustees. The Application should be filed within 60 days after receipt of the Notice of Denial. Upon receipt of the Application for Review, the Board of Trustees will review the case. Their decision shall be made within 60 days after receipt of the Application, unless special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the Application, in which case, the decision shall be rendered as soon as possible, but not later than 120 days after receipt of the Application. It will be up to the Board of Trustees to decide whether or not a hearing will be useful. If a hearing is held, applicants will receive at least two (2) weeks notice of the time and place of the hearing (unless the applicant agrees in writing to a shorter notice). Applicants, or their authorized representative, may appear at the hearing. The decision of the Board of Trustees on the Application is final.

Do HARIETT members have any rights?

If you are denied admission to an apprenticeship, education or training program, or if you are admitted but subsequently disqualified from the program, or if any other claim to benefits is denied in whole or in part by the Board of Trustees or the Executive Director, you will be provided with a written Notice of Denial explaining the reasons for the denial. You may, if you wish, appeal the denial by filing an Application for Review with the Joint Board of Trustees. The Application should be filed within 60 days after receipt of the Notice of Denial. Upon receipt of the Application for Review, the Board of Trustees will review the case. Their decision shall be made within 60 days after receipt of the Application, unless special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the Application, in which case, the decision shall be rendered as soon as possible, but not later than 120 days after receipt of the Application. It will be up to the Board of Trustees to decide whether or not a hearing will be useful. If a hearing is held, applicants will receive at least two (2) weeks notice of the time and place of the hearing (unless the applicant agrees in writing to a shorter notice). Applicants, or their authorized representative, may appear at the hearing. The decision of the Board of Trustees on the Application is final.

Does HARIETT have a nondiscrimination policy?

If you are denied admission to an apprenticeship, education or training program, or if you are admitted but subsequently disqualified from the program, or if any other claim to benefits is denied in whole or in part by the Board of Trustees or the Executive Director, you will be provided with a written Notice of Denial explaining the reasons for the denial. You may, if you wish, appeal the denial by filing an Application for Review with the Joint Board of Trustees. The Application should be filed within 60 days after receipt of the Notice of Denial. Upon receipt of the Application for Review, the Board of Trustees will review the case. Their decision shall be made within 60 days after receipt of the Application, unless special circumstances require an extension of time for processing the Application, in which case, the decision shall be rendered as soon as possible, but not later than 120 days after receipt of the Application. It will be up to the Board of Trustees to decide whether or not a hearing will be useful. If a hearing is held, applicants will receive at least two (2) weeks notice of the time and place of the hearing (unless the applicant agrees in writing to a shorter notice). Applicants, or their authorized representative, may appear at the hearing. The decision of the Board of Trustees on the Application is final.